Painting and Drawing

Skills to be learnt:  To enable our students to

#Paint using natural objects and relate the use of unconventional materials to the concept of ‘line’

# Distinguish the difference between warm colours , cool colours, and the concept of blending colours

# Explore texture by painting and drawing on foreign objects from which they will come to understand the importance of paper texture

# Explore shape through application of collage and come to understand how important individual shape is in the overall image

# Understand the concept of tone and draw shapes and incorporate a degree of tone by using charcoal and lead


Course content for advanced level:

#  Chiaroscuro

#  Self-portraits

#  Lines and patterns

#  Micro to macro

#  Creative minds

#  Glass stained artwork

#  Van Gogh

#  Picasso


Course content for Elementary and Intermediate levels:

#  Easter egg painting / Easter egg paper mache

#  Paddle pop nest for Easter

#  Under the sea / Bach time

#  Creating your monster

#  Mask painting

#  Mother’s or Father’s Day card making

#  Mini me

#  Finger puppets

#  Watercolour drops

#  Painting with marbles

#  Making your own bookmark

#  Painting a book cover

#  Favourite season
